Deaf Youth Sydney program dates for 2018

Our deaf youth group, for 12-17 year old boys and girls, has a fantastic range of regular activities and events.  Deaf Youth Sydney is a joint undertaking of the Ephpheta Centre and the Deaf Society of NSW.

Deaf Youth Sydney organises activities and events of interest to young deaf people aged 12- 17 years. These activities have included weekend camps, surfing lessons, films nights and games nights. All activities are properly supervised.
Young deaf people who use Auslan AND any young person who has a hearing loss are more than welcome. Our activities help deaf and hard of hearing youth make new friends and have fun. 


  3 February

  3 March

  20 April

  4 May

  1 June

  9 July

  18 August

  21 September

  8 October

  2 November

  8 December

Connect with us - find us on Facebook

    Deaf Youth Sydney >> FaceBook! 

Contact:    David 0408 669 672 for questions & transport [email protected]

For further information about our next activities you can see the Deaf Youth Sydney website  » .

You can also see our calendar. You can also contact us.

The Ephpheta Centre gratefully acknowledges the financial support which is given by Dooleys Catholic Club to support the activities of Deaf Youth Sydney.